(set #needfpu "\n\nCyberGL must have a FPU (Floating Point Unit) to work. The installer has not found a FPU _or_ you are running an older version of the installer that does not have the FPU check option.\n\nIf you have a FPU please press 'Proceed'.")
(set #todo-prompt "\nWhat would you like to do?\n")
(set #updatelibs " Update CyberGL libs")
(set #copyexamp " Copy CyberGL demos/examples")
(set #installobj " Copy Objects & Reflect")
(set #wheredemos "Where would you like to install the selected options? A directory called 'CyberGL' will be created there.")
(set #askcpu "\nWhat CPU does the machine have that you are installing CyberGL on? The installer has found:\n")
(set #wherelibs "Where do you wish to install the CyberGL library? The default is 'SYS:Libs'")
(set #needfpu "\n\nCyberGL benötigt eine FPU (Fließkomma Prozessor). Das Installationsprogramm fand allerding keine _oder_ Sie benutzen eine alte Version des Installationsprogramms, das die FPU Überprüfung nicht ermöglicht.\n\nWenn Ihr Rechner eine FPU besitzt, drücken Sie 'Weiter'.")
(set #todo-prompt "\nWas wollen Sie erledigen?\n")